Located in the DFW Metroplex our vision is to create a seamless brunch experience wherever you are!

We make brunch and comfort a THING!

The concept of our brunch in a box came from our joy of gathering with friends over the one thing we all love, Food!

We’ve taken some of the best things Texas has to offer to create an experience you can share with family, friends, and/or co-workers. Our Boujee Brunch Boxes include Texas made wines, preserves, and nuts. Plus more!

Learn more about our story.


Our exclusive wine list is comprised of Texas made wines hand selected to compliment our boards and A La Carte Dishes.

In addition, we offer orange juice, Pineapple juice, Mango, and Cranberry juice that you can enjoy over ice or with your wine to create Mimosa’s.

*Wine list available with catering only.

DFW Metroplex


By Appointment Only
